Thursday, October 1, 2009

He Just Loves.

I just wrote two long paragraphs about how selfish I can be when I realized that something was amiss in my thinking. So, I hit the delete button and decided to start over.
See, I am selfish and humanly flawed. But the thing is, God doesn't sit there and stare at that part of us. He doesn't condemn us or point fingers. He just loves.
Yes, I need to get my head up and away from myself. Yes, I need to be more grateful. But I can't expect to do that by myself. And I certainly can't expect to do it right away. It's okay to be imperfect, because that's the part of me that NEEDS God so desperately. I think God blesses us in our neediness because that's when He is able to show His perfect Grace.
Instead of sitting here, thinking about how wrong I am, my focus needs to be on how right He is.
It's okay to be imperfect, because through all of that junk, He just loves.

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