Monday, October 12, 2009


I just wanted to take the time to say that God is good, all the time. Even when I don't believe it, or see it, He doesn't change. He is the creator of the universe and beyond, but He still looks at me in loving kindness. He is my King, but He is also my Father, and I can come to Him. His love doesn't have room for shame or condemnation, and His grace is perfect in it's complete freedom.

Take time today to think about exactly how God has blessed you today. Come up with five things, big or small, and thank God for them.

My 5 Things

1) Lexi for agreeing to give me a ride home this weekend.
2) Ingrid Michaelson's music, It's really good.
3) Making it into the Christmas musical.
4) Umbrellas, and refreshing rain.
5) Excedrin migraine medicine, and relief from the migraine that could have taken over my day.

Also, this is random, but I found this verse the other day, and I LOVE it:

He only is my rock and my Salvation; He is my defense and my fortress, I shall not be moved.
Psalm 62:6

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